Student Success and Enrollment Management » Office of Student Life & Development » Clubs and Organizations

Clubs and Organizations

Student clubs, organizations, and associations that plan activities are required to utilize the college services and resources through the Office of Student Life & Development.

COMMONS, formerly referred to as Club Hours, are observed on the following days and times:

Monday, Wednesday: 11:30 AM – 12:45 PM

Saturday: 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM

The African Student Association
The African Student Association, aim to increase the academic and professional experience of members and to promote an informed understanding of Africa. We aim to foster unity not only among African Students but also the Medgar Evers College Community at large.

Association for Computer Machinery (ACM)
Association for Computer Machinery (ACM) is an educational and scientific computing society that delivers resources that advance computing as a science and a profession. ACM provides the computing fields serves its members and the computing profession with leading-edge publications, conferences, and career resources.

Caribbean Village
The mission of the Caribbean Village is to foster a multicultural community through education and advocacy regarding systematic group oppressions, ethnic and cultural diversity and establishing an environment of cross-cultural learning and exchange for the entire campus. Additionally, the club aspires to highlight the Caribbean culture, promote unity on campus within an American society, and bring diversity under one umbrella.

Creative Soul Art Club
The purpose of the club is to reate a platform for students to express themselves through visual arts. The objective would be for them to choose a message of their choosing and put it in their artwork whichever they feel. I would like to invite guest speakers from the community and that I’ve meet through my art career.

Education Club
The education club welcomes all students who are interested in the education profession and in child development. The Education Club provides opportunities to interact and network, engage in professional discussions, to discuss current issues in education, and to develop experiences leading to the understanding of the educator as a lifelong learner.

Entrepreneurship & Technology Club

Entrepreneurship &Technology
Is to mission of the Entrepreneurship & Technology Club is to provide students with a platformto explore and develop their entraprenural skills. It aims to inspire, empower and educate students interested in entrepreneurship and technology, offering them a supportive and interactive environment to learn and network with with like minded individuals.

Haitian American Student Association (HASA)
The Haitian American Student Association brings awareness of Haitian culture to the campus and community-at-large through cultural, academic, and social events and programs. This club holds seminars and lectures as well as coordinates social events and conduct fundraising for educational and social enrichment at the college.

Hilda Richards Nursing Club
The Hilda Richards, Nursing Club mission, is to foster relationships and develop linkages between medical facilities and the community for students enrolled and majoring in the field of nursing. Members also help with the promotion of total health and wellness of other individuals at Medgar Evers College.

MEC Veterans Club
MEC Veterans Club’s facilitates veteran involvement on the Medgar Evers College campus. It also brings awareness to the college community of the vital roles of veterans through social events and programs.

Medgar Evers College Math Society
Members of the Medgar Evers College Math Society assist students with the comprehension and mastery of mathematical equations through workshops and tutorials offered to the general student population.

Medgar Evers College Society of Public Administration (MECSPA)
MECSPA encourages participation of its students in all levels and areas of government through resources, seminars, and internships at Medgar Evers College, the City University of New York, and the surrounding community.

Medgar Evers Science Association (MESA)
Medgar Evers Science Association (MESA) encourages students to envision a broader spectrum of the academic science agenda by exposing them to the possibilities and intangibles in the field of science in the college environment and beyond.

Muslim Student Association (MSA)
The Muslim Students Association (MSA) provides Medgar Evers College students with the opportunity to come together in a supportive Muslim environment and seeks to educate the Medgar Evers College community about Islam. The entire Medgar Evers College student body and community members are welcome to MSA activities and events. Above all, we recognize that students are at varied levels in their own faith and we are welcoming to all, regardless of the extent of one’s religious knowledge or determination.

National Association of Black Accountants (NABA)
National Association of Black Accountants promotes and develops the professional skills of our members while using educational opportunities at Medgar Evers College. NABA enhances accounting professionals through seminars, lectures, debates, retreats, and networking. It unites students who have similar interests and ideals, are committed to professional and academic excellence and are concerned with enhancing opportunities for minorities in the accounting field.

National Association of Black Social Workers (NABSW)
The MEC Chapter of the Black Social Workers is designed to promote the welfare, survival, and liberation of the African-American community through workshops, critical forums, and seminars specific to the needs of the community.

Radio Nation
Radio Nation members are provided with the opportunity to learn all aspects of Mass Communication, and to have a hands-on experience in the operational aspects of broadcasting while serving the Medgar Evers College community.

The SHADES Club creates an environment that educates, support, and empower women and students of the Medgar Evers College community enabling them on their path as successful and productive students and citizens on a local and global level.

MEC Allstars Dance Team
The purpose of Versatile Dance Team is to foster a community of students from all majors. VDT organization works to allow students an outlet that allows expression of themselves in a way that caters to their style. Students will assimilate efficient ways to multitask and prioritize, all while maintaining excellence in academics performance.

Note: If you do not see a club that suits your needs? Are you interested in starting a new organization? Let the office help you! Set up an appointment to speak with someone about the process.

Contact or Visit the Office of Student Life & Development
1637 Bedford Avenue, Room S-301-B
Brooklyn, New York 11225
(718) 270-6050 •

Office Hours
Monday-Friday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM