Student Success and Enrollment Management

Student Success and Enrollment Management

The Medgar Evers College (MEC) Division of Student Success and Enrollment Management includes the Dean of Students, Admissions and Recruitment, Conduct and Community Standards, Athletics and Intramurals, Counseling and Psychological Services, Health Services, Interfaith Services, Men’s and Women’s Centers, Office of Accessibility and Accommodation Services, Transition Academy, Financial Aid, Registrar, and Student Life and Development. We also have specialized programs such as ASAP (Accelerated Study in Associate Programs), The Percy E. Sutton SEEK (Search for Education, Elevation and Knowledge) Program, College Now Dual Enrollment Program, First-Year Programs (FYP), and CHAMPSS (Cultivating Holistic Academic Mindsets to Promote Student Success).

The Divisional mission is focused on addressing students’ psychosocial needs by providing resources and advocacy that effectively complement their academic growth and development. We support students’ rights and responsibilities, and facilitate student leadership opportunities, including participation in intercollegiate athletics, peer mentoring, and service learning, and engagement in clubs and organizations. In addition, we coordinate college-wide mental and physical health education, and provide services and accommodations to our campus’ differently-abled community. Student Success also offers immediate assistance to students who are transient or in financial crisis, and connects them to external resources available via our community partners. As a supplement to all of the aforementioned, we provide skills and knowledge that prepare students for the professional world. Our overarching function is to spearhead the implementation of policies, programming and initiatives that serve students in myriad ways. Utilizing a holistic approach, while employing individualized efforts, the Division leads student learning outside the classroom, and facilitates student success within and beyond Medgar Evers College.


The Division of Student Success and Enrollment Management at Medgar Evers College will become a driving force in the success of students – throughout their matriculation – by being an integrated part of student learning experiences, both in and out-of-the-classroom.


The Division of Student Success and Enrollment Management exists to support the educational and co-educational missions of Medgar Evers College by providing high quality, innovative, evidence-based, and relevant engagement experiences for students. We are committed to the holistic development of students by helping them achieve their educational, personal, and professional goals. Our efforts are realized through students who are not only academically prepared, but also civically and culturally engaged.


  • Implement targeted strategies to help improve student success key performance indicators (retention, persistence, graduation rates, engagement, and satisfaction).
  • Apply the ‘disruptive innovation’ approach to improving programs and services to better meet the diverse needs of an ever-changing student demographic.
  • Assess each functional area to ensure that there are standards aligned with the professional association.
  • Institute high-quality engagement opportunities for students.
  • Intensify our focus on student satisfaction.

Our Student Service Commitment:

  • We believe in the power of education to transform lives and we will do everything we can to ensure that as a student, you receive our absolute best through every encounter.
  • We recognize that each student is an individual with various goals, backgrounds, and ways of being. The Student Success and Enrollment Management Team will always celebrate and respect the individuality of MEC students.
  • We aim to provide you with high quality services that give you the best student experience at Medgar Evers College! The service we provide will incorporate respect and mutual cooperation.
  • We will be committed to the goal of resolving any student issues at the first point of contact, with timely and accurate information.
  • We will always recognize that it is because of students that Medgar Evers College exist!

Dr. Jesse Kane, Senior Vice President

Dr. Jesse KaneDr. Jesse Kane is the Senior Vice President for Student Success and Enrollment Management at Medgar Evers College. With a broad range of experiences in higher education spanning over 25 years, he has been instrumental in the design and implementation of programs that foster and promote student success, particularly for students of color. Much of Dr. Kane’s work has focused on the impact of engagement opportunities on persistence, retention and graduation.  He has also worked with institutional partners in utilizing high-impact practices to help improve student outcomes.  Dr. Kane has both presented and trained in the areas of student development; diversity, equity, and inclusion, and cultural competency; minority-male identity developmental and support; academic program review; leveraging learning communities for academic success; among others.  Additionally, he has held many other senior-level administrative positions in both student and academic affairs at several institutions, including serving as Senior Education Policy Analyst with the Maryland Higher Education Commission, a state-wide higher education coordinating body.  His experiences afford him a depth of understanding of higher education at the campus, state, and national levels.  Dr. Kane’s passion for working with college students is best expressed through his professional motto of: “Students are never interruptions to our work; they are the reasons for it!” He holds a B.S in Biology and M.A. in Counseling from Bowie State University and a Ph.D. in Higher Education Administration from Morgan State University.