Public Safety

Dedicated to Maintaining a Safe and Secure Environment for the Entire Medgar Evers College Community

Report an Emergency

For an emergency (Police, Fire, Medical) Dial 911 .


Public Safety

Mission Statement

The Medgar Evers College Public Safety Department is dedicated to providing a safe and secure environment for our college community. We are committed to delivering excellent safety and security services in a professional and responsible manner while supporting college goals.

Public Safety Phone Numbers

For an emergency (Police, Fire, Medical)
Dial 911

24 / 7 Emergency Number: 718-270-6003

Public Safety office (for non-emergencies) – 718-270-6069

AB-1 – Ext.1900 (internal only)
S. Bldg. Ext. 5030 or (718-270-5030)
Bedford Bldg. Front Desk – Ext. 4998 or (718-270-4998)
Bedford Bldg. Rear Desk – Ext. 4999 or (718-270-4999)
Carroll Building – Ext. 1117 (internal only)
Eastern Parkway Site – Ext. 8888 or (718-804-8888)


Explore all your parking options and find the perfect fit for your needs. Get detailed information and purchase your Medgar Evers College parking decal.

Purchase Your Parking Decal

Message from the Interim Chief of Public Safety, Lieutenant Jerry Hoffman

Dear Medgar Evers College Community,

Welcome to the Medgar Evers College Department of Public Safety website. It is my intention that this site develops into a valuable resource that will greatly benefit the campus community.

We are committed to providing the highest level of professional campus security and public safety services that help foster a safe learning and working environment. We aim to achieve our public safety objectives by becoming involved with those we serve, building collaborative partnerships, and working as a team.

Our department has responsibilities in all aspects of campus security and public safety, including, but not limited to, access control, incident response, crime prevention, campus photo ID card program, physical security, law enforcement, investigations, fire safety, and emergency response.

As we advance, it is my hope that our services and programs will strengthen our connection to the community we serve, and together we can achieve our educational goals.

Thank you for helping us make Medgar Evers College a safe community and a great place to work.

Director of Public Safety



For emergencies (Police, Fire, Medical)
Dial 911

For Public Safety inquiries, contact us by phone or email
(718) 270-6069


Visit Public Safety at our location
1638 Bedford Ave., Room C17
Brooklyn, NY 11225

Hours of Operation
Monday – Thrusday: 9:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Friday by appointments only


Faculty, staff and students will be required to tap their MEC ID cards on the turnstile system to enter the building.
Turnstile Entry System

Fire Safety At Medgar Evers College
In the event of a fire
If a fire condition is reported to you or smoke or fire is noticed, follow these procedures:

  • Call 911 and Public Safety 718-270-6003 or Ext. 6003
  • Immediately activate the nearest manual Pull Station
  • Begin instructing people to move towards the exits. If possible notify the Fire Warden or Deputy Fire Warden on your floor

Emergency Procedures

  • When a Fire Alarm sounds, GET OUT! Take fire alarms seriously; always evacuate. Know 2 ways out! (Non-evacuation may result in penalties).
  • Find your nearest exit, not just your most familiar route.
  • Use the stairs when evacuating. Elevators can trap you between floors or open onto the fire floor. Elevators are not an option.
  • If you are trapped and cannot evacuate, Call 911 with your location. Do not jump!
  • Take responsibility for your own safety.
  • Attend all Fire Safety Floor Meetings.
  • Participate in scheduled fire drills.
  • Crawl low under smoke.
  • Fire sprinklers are important safety devices. Do not tamper with them or obstruct them in any way.

Prohibited Items on Campus

  • Candles – Candles are the leading cause of fires. Candles can ignite plastic, wood, cloth, carpet, curtains – anything that can burn.
  • Wall Hangings – can obstruct fire sprinkler heads and add fuel in case of fire.
  • Toaster/ovens – are fire hazards.
  • Incense – hot ash can drop onto cloth or papers causing a fire.
  • Halogen lamps – contain super-hot gas that can quickly ignite.

No Smoking is allowed in any campus buildings! In the Event of other Emergency An announcement will be made by the Public Safety Department. Always Remember When you hear an alarm, siren or see flashing strobes lights stay aware and leave the building utilizing the nearest exit. (Do not panic) Differently Abled should always notify their floor warden or deputy floor warden of where they normally sit.

High Risk Locations/Risk Factors
Description of Identified Risk Factors
On March 29, 2011 and November 16, 2011, the college undertook a comprehensive assessment of risks of violence in the workplace. This was accomplished by a two day Walkthrough of campus buildings and grounds with the Work place Violence Team, Public Safety and members of various unions. A campus-wide survey and a checklist of work hazards identified by staff and faculty were completed. We also reviewed all crime logs and records complied in the previous year that concerned workplace violence. Based on the above, we developed the Workplace Violence Prevention Program. Prior to the Workplace Violence Physical Risk Assessment a QC mailer was sent on March 14, 2011 advising the college community of the walkthrough building site schedules. Based on our survey and Medgar Evers College’s annual Clery Report, our data indicated that Medgar Evers College has a very low occupational assault and homicide risk in the workplace. However, Medgar Evers College has assessed, identified and developed several preventive methods to further improve the safety of employees. The following risk factors were identified after conducting a survey:

a. An open campus can create the following:

  • Unwanted visitors who can potentially pose a risk to employees and students.
  • A risk for workplace violence by persons who don’t advise Public Safety of the existence of an Order of Protection.
  • A lack of control over persons encroaching on college grounds.
  • A high risk potential for theft of college and personal property in some offices.
  • Inefficacy in tracking of employees who were terminated (“persona- non grata”) or students who were suspended.

b. Working alone in an office can create the following:

  • A potential risk of theft due to unlocked office doors and unattended personal items.
  • A potential for unwanted intruders that may cause injury to employees.
  • Delays in receiving help in an emergency situation that

How the identified risk factors have been/are being addressed

The following strategies are in place or will be instituted in order to address the risk factors identified:

  • Work place safety tips were distributed to all departments.
  • Public Safety Officers will maintain presence by rotating his/her patrol through the campuses. All patrols will be logged in the dispatch log
  • Emergency phones are placed throughout buildings around campus for easy access to request help and report incidents.
  • Public Safety is responsible for reporting any area that is not well lit. These conditions are reported to Buildings &Grounds.
  • Buildings and Grounds has a campus lighting maintenance program.
  • Public Safety provides an escort service to members of the campus community who feel unsafe walking alone on campus.
  • The office of VP for Student Affairs and the Director of Human Resources informs Public Safety when students/employees are suspended from the college and when employees are terminated.
  • All Public Safety employees have been advised of CUNY’s Policy to ask any persons on campus for College ID.
  • Departments accepting cash for various reasons must make daily deposits to the bursars office
  • Silent alarms (panic alarms) were installed in Admissions offices to alert Public Safety officers to respond immediately. We will ask those offices with safety alarms to arrange for a test of their operability.
  • Employees are encouraged notify Public Safety when working alone or when leaving building after normal business hours.
  • The College community has been encouraged to report all incidents to the Public Safety office; all incidents reported to Public Safety are investigated and documented.
  • Fire drills are conducted three times a year for morning, evening and weekend employees/students.
  • The college has a centralized location at Public Safety that is accessible to the community 24 hours 7 days a week.
  • The Work Place Violence Policy will be displayed on the Public Safety and Human Resource Web sites.
  • Public Safety officers will visit work locations of faculty and staff to assess risk factors in their work areas.
  • The college community will be notified about the importance of informing Public Safety when they are in possession an order of protection.
  • Ongoing assessment of potential trouble areas will be monitored for evaluation and resolution
  • During final exams week, additional officers are assigned to the Library and computer labs.

Key Contact Information and specific Campus Resources
Campus Office of Public Safety

Incidents of workplace violence and behavior that you believe may lead to potential workplace violence must be reported promptly to a supervisor and/or the Office of Public Safety. In order to maintain a safe working environment, incidents of workplace violence must be reported promptly to a supervisor and/or the Office of Public Safety. The phone number of the College’s Office of Public Safety is (718)-270-6069. Members of the College community are also encouraged to report other behavior they believe may lead to potential workplace violence. After an incident occurs or upon receipt of a complaint, an investigation will be conducted by the Office of Public Safety. Complaints involving the Office of Public Safety will be investigated by the Office of Human Resources. The WVAT committee will review the investigation results of incidents and determines whether there is a violation of the Policy and provides a report to the President. The WVAT, committee will conduct a review of the Campus Workplace Violence Incidents Report at least monthly to identify trends in the types of incidents in the workplace and reviews the effectiveness of the mitigating actions taken

Workplace Violence Advisory Team (WVAT)

The WVAT reports directly to the College President and consists of members designated by the President. The current members of Medgar Evers College WVAT are:

Name Phone Number E-mail Address Hours of Availability
Susan Haynes, Chair 718-270-6910 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Mohamed Bangura, Co-Chair 718-270-6212 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Shirley Irick Esq 718-270-5015 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Rebecca Fraley-Corrado 718-270-5026 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Jerry Hoffman 718-270-6002 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Goldene Lewis 718-270-6121 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Anthony Phifer 718-270-65027612 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

The WVAT Chair, selected by the President, sets the times and agendas for meetings and establishes sub-committees, as necessary, to fulfill the WVAT responsibilities set forth herein and in sections 4, 7 and 12.

Instructions on accessing your College’s Workplace Violence Prevention Program

Including contact information OR location where this information is made available by the College. Employees may access the Workplace Violence Prevention Program by making a request at the Office of Public Safety.

Additional Campus Resources and Contacts

List of additional campus contacts and resources available to assist with awareness and prevention efforts, training, or issues related to workplace violence. In order to maintain a safe working environment, incidents of workplace violence must be reported promptly to a supervisor and/or the Office of Public Safety. The phone number of the College’s Office of Public Safety is (718)-270-6069. Members of the College community are also encouraged to report other behavior they believe may lead to potential workplace violence. After an incident occurs or upon receipt of a complaint, an investigation will be conducted by the Office of Public Safety. Complaints involving the Office of Public Safety will be investigated by the Office of Human Resources.

Domestic Violence Prevention Resources

Including contact information for your campus Domestic Violence Liaison(s). Concerns about domestic violence entering or affecting the workplace may be reported to your DV Liaison, a supervisor or to Public Safety. The Director of Human Resources reports to the President and serves as the Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention Coordinator for Medgar Evers College. The Direct Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00am – 5:00pm. Questions? If you have questions about the information provided in your campus workplace violence prevention training, please contact one of the WVAT representative(s) at the College.

The College assumes no responsibility for the care or protection of vehicles or their content(s) while operated or parked on college property. All parking permits and visitors passes remain the property of Medgar Evers College and must be surrendered upon demand. The purchaser is responsible for any and all College citations issued to the vehicle(s) listed and/or issued to any vehicle(s) in which their permit is displayed. Vehicles illegally parked will be booted. Boots will only be removed after the appropriate fine has been paid.
General Information

Current permit holders must apply each year for a permit for the upcoming academic year. All permits have an expiration.​Faculty & Staff can request a permit for which they are eligible:Day Parking Permit Access Times

  • Mon – Fri, 7am – 11:00pm
  • Sat & Sun, 7am – 10:00pm

Evening Parking Permit Access Times

  • Mon – Fri, 4pm – 11:00pm
  • Sat & Sun, 7am – 8:00pm

Students can request a permit for which they are eligible:

  • Mon – Fri, 4pm – 11:00pm
  • Sat & Sun, 7am – 8:00pm

Pay close attention to Rules & Regulations to avoid termination of parking rights. There are no parking services on the following holidays:

  • Labor Day
  • Veteran’s Day
  • Thanksgiving
  • Day after Thanksgiving
  • Christmas Holiday
  • New Year’s Day
  • Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
  • Memorial Day
  • Independence Day


The purchase and issuance of a parking permit gives faculty, staff, and students the revocable authorization to park within a specified area(s) on Medgar Evers College property. They are issued with the understanding that neither Medgar Evers College nor The City University of New York assumes any liability for any damage to the vehicle; breaking or entering the vehicle; theft from the vehicle or from any other claim with respect to said vehicle. The vehicle is brought onto the campus entirely at the owner’s risk. Nonetheless, officers of the Public Safety Department routinely patrol all college parking facilities. The issuance of a parking permit does not guarantee a parking space, but does provide the permit holder with the opportunity to park in authorized areas when there are available parking spaces. The full cooperation of the entire college community is necessary, not only to ensure the success of the College’s parking program, but to maintain a safe and free flow of traffic in the campus’ parking lot. For these reasons, failure to comply may result in penalties such as warning citations, booting, towing and/or revocation of parking privileges.


Parking permits must be visible at all times when a vehicle enters and parks on campus. The parking permit must be hung from the rearview mirror. Violation of this regulation will result in a citation. Repeated violations will result in revocation of parking privileges.


The permit, being the property of the college, is considered an official document within the purview of the New York State Penal Law. The college may elect to prosecute instances of misuse and/or tampering through the courts in lieu of or in addition to college disciplinary proceedings and administrative actions. Thefts of permits may be prosecuted under the Law, as well as under college procedures.


Permits are issued for the use of a specific person and may not be transferred to, or used by, any other person. The owner of the permit may use it in any of their own vehicles. The unauthorized transfer of a parking permit will result in the loss of parking privileges and violators will be given parking citations.


All parking permits and visitors passes remain the property of Medgar Evers College and must be surrendered upon demand. Parking permits are intended for the exclusive use of the purchaser and are not transferable. The purchaser is responsible for any and all College citations issued to the vehicle(s) listed and/or issued to any vehicle(s) in which their permit is displayed.


Parking in the area designated for persons with disabilities is restricted to vehicles with either the appropriate government issued license plates or tags. The tag must be displayed from the rearview mirror at all times while parked in the designated area in addition to the Medgar Evers College parking permit.


Q: I have a Faculty/Staff Parking permit. When can I park on campus? What are the hours of parking enforcement?
A: You may park in the assigned lot on campus in unmarked stalls as follows:
o Monday – Friday, 7:00am – 11:00pm
o Saturday, 7:00am – 8:00pm
o Sunday, 7:00am – 8:00pm

Q: I have a Student Parking permit. When can I park on campus?
A: Monday – Friday from 4:00pm –11:00pm and from 7:00am – 8:00pm on Saturday and Sunday.

Q: How long is my parking permit valid?
A: Medgar Evers College parking permits are valid for the academic year. Current permit holders must apply each year for a permit for the upcoming academic year. All permits have an expiration date.

Q: How should I display my permit?
A: Hangtags must hang from the rearview mirror with the Medgar Evers College logo facing out, in plain view, to avoid a citation. Placards and Special Permits – (Courtesy, Special Event, and Admissions) must be placed on the left side of the front dashboard with the permit information facing up.

Q: Can I park in spaces marked RESERVED?
A: No. It is a violation to park in spaces marked RESERVED. These spaces are reserved for Authorized Vehicles only.

Q: Do visitors of Medgar Evers College need a parking permit?
A: Yes, a visitor’s permit will be issued when requested by a College Employee for official business. Request must be made through Campus Security & Public Safety ( or 718.270.6069 at least two business days in advance.

Q: What happens when I need to drive a different car to campus; how do I get a permit? (My car is in the shop, rental, etc.)
A: In the event you need the make a temporary transfer, please inform Campus Security & Public Safety.

Q: How do I get a refund for my parking permit?
A: All permits must be returned to the Campus Security & Public Safety main office. Refunds are issued for unused months remaining on the permit.

Q; What do I do if my permit is lost?
A: You must report the permit lost and replace it for $25 at the Public Safety Office. If you locate the permit and return the original permit to our office within 30 days, you may be refunded the replacement transaction fee.

Q: My permit was stolen. Can I obtain a replacement permit?
A: If your permit is stolen, you must file a police report in the city/borough where the incident occurred. Bring a copy of the police report number to the Campus Security & Public Safety Office to obtain a replacement permit at no additional charge.

Q: When I login to purchase a parking permit, my preferred permit lot is not available. Why?
A: Your preferred lot may have reached its permit capacity and sold out. Make sure to purchase your permit early to ensure the lot of your choice.

The City University of New York (the “University” or “CUNY”) is committed to the prevention of workplace violence and will respond promptly to any threats and/or acts of violence. For purposes of this Policy, Workplace Violence is defined as any physical assault or acts of aggressive behavior occurring where an employee performs any workrelated duty in the course of his or her employment, including but not limited to:

  1. An attempt or threat, whether verbal or physical, to inflict physical injury upon an employee;
  2. Any intentional display of force which would give an employee reason to fear or expect bodily harm;
  3. Intentional and wrongful physical contact with an employee without his or her consent that entails some injury;
  4. Stalking an employee in a manner which may cause the employee to fear for his or her physical safety and health when such stalking has arisen through and in the course of employment.

Workplace Violence presents a serious occupational safety hazard to CUNY and its employees. The University will respond promptly to threats and/or acts of violence. All employees are responsible for helping to create an environment of mutual respect and for assisting in maintaining a safe and secure work environment and will participate in the annual Workplace Violence Prevention Training Program. Individuals who violate this Policy may be removed from University property and are subject to disciplinary and/or personnel action up to and including termination, consistent with University policies, rules and collective bargaining agreements, and/or referral to law enforcement authorities for criminal prosecution. Incidents involving Workplace Violence will be given the serious attention they deserve. Employees are responsible for reporting any incidents of Workplace Violence of which they become aware. The procedure for reporting incidents of suspected or alleged Workplace Violence can be found in the campus specific Workplace Violence Prevention Programs at Paragraph 7. The procedure for reporting complaints of a potential violation of the CUNY Workplace Violence Prevention Policy and Programs can be found in the campus specific Workplace Violence Prevention Programs at Paragraph 9. The University, at the request of an employee or student, or at its own discretion, may prohibit members of the public, including family members, from seeing an employee or student on University property unless necessary to transact University-related business. This policy particularly applies when an employee or student anticipates that an act of violence may result from an encounter with said individual(s).3 Employee participation in the implementation of this Policy will be provided through their authorized employee representatives, who will be invited to participate in: (1) Scheduled physical risk assessment site evaluation(s) to determine the presence of risk factors which may place employees at risk of workplace violence; (2) the development and annual review of a Workplace Violence Prevention Program promulgated by each College for the implementation of the Policy; (3) the annual review of the Campus Workplace Violence Incidents Report prepared annually by each College; and (4) as appropriate, following a serious incident of Workplace Violence.

A daily Crime Log is maintained containing details of crimes reported to Medgar Evers College Public Safety. These records include any crime that occurred on campus, on a non-campus building or property, or on public property within the patrol jurisdiction of the Public Safety Department. The daily crime log includes the date the crime was reported, the date and time of the crime, the nature of the crime, the general location of the crime, and the disposition. The log is updated within two (2) business days of the reporting of a crime or change in disposition. The log is in paper format and is available for public inspection in room C-17 in the AB-1 building. The log is available for public inspection during regular business hours. The log contains incidents reported within the last sixty (60) calendar days. If you wish to examine logs pre-dating this period, your request may be made to the Public Safety Department located at C-17 in the AB-1 building. Your request will be granted within the next two (2) regular business days.