Helping Hands Grant Program

Providing Immediate Financial Relief for Students in Crisis

The Emergency Grant Program is intended to assist Medgar Evers College (MEC) students with unforeseen financial emergencies that may arise. This program is part of the Transition Academy, which is designed to support students who experience food and housing challenges, among other issues, as they work to complete their education. In an effort to address student completion challenges, Gerstner Philanthropies, a valued MEC partner, is offering one-time emergency grant funding for MEC’s Transition Academy to distribute to students with unforeseen financial needs. In addition to receiving these funds, students will be able to access other resources and support to help them avoid future challenges. Categories for unexpected expenses include, but are not limited to: utilities, housing/rent, food, medical/dental, transportation, and child care.


  • Currently enrolled undergraduate part-time or full-time students. Students must be enrolled at least part-time in the semester they are requesting funding.
  • Must be in good academic standing.
  • Must have a demonstrated financial need, as determined by Financial Aid, or by other documentation presented by the student.
  • Must agree to a meeting with the Director of Transition Academy or staff to discuss further support.
  • Must have a documented financial emergency.
  • Must complete the Emergency Grant Application.


  • All awards will be distributed within 5 – 7 business days.
  • Funds cannot be given directly to students. Funds will be distributed to third parties, i.e. landlords, businesses, etc. Information on the vendor to be paid must be submitted at the time of application. All requests will be verified with the third-party vendor prior to payments being made. Payments will be mailed to the vendor through the College’s Business Office.
  • Maximum awards will be $3,000.
  • A student who received funding previously from this fund or other emergency grant program is not eligible for another grant award, regardless of the semester the student applied previously.

What is considered a qualifying emergency?

Common Emergencies:
  • Loss of employment or reduction in hours/pay
  • Unexpected medical and/or safety situation
  • Gas or electricity has been shut off
  • Theft
  • Fire, flood, and other natural disasters
  • Domestic violence
  • Delay or error in receiving public benefits (e.g., SNAP, WIC, TANF)
Ineligible emergencies:
  • A student who is chronically homeless with no source of income/path to regain long-term stability.
  • A student living in shelter who has no pathway or long-term stability plan (e.g., lack of housing access, no employment or income)
  • A student living on an unsustainable budget who cannot or will not make adjustments to enable them to afford ongoing expenses
  • A student who consistently cannot afford groceries each month
  • Any situation without a clear path forward to stability

What is considered an eligible expense?

Eligible expenses:
  • Rent or moving-related costs
  • Utilities (e.g. electric, heat, water)
  • Medical expenses
  • Transportation (one-time or short-term; must have a plan for transportation to school for subsequent semesters)
  • Childcare (one-time or short-term; must have a plan for childcare for subsequent semesters if applicable)
  • Essential furniture (if no other funding sources are available)
  • Replacement of critical personal items in the event of a natural disaster or domestic violence
Ineligible expenses:
  • Credit card debt
  • Cable bills
  • Phone bills
  • Computer / WiFi bill
  • Legal representation
  • Tuition, books, or school supplies
  • Job training fees or equipment
  • Immigration-related fees
  • International travel
  • Clothing for job interviews

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