Campus News

Veterans Week at MEC 2018

Veterans Week 2018 kicked off at Medgar Evers College last Monday with a flag-raising ceremony outside of the Bedford Building. Brigadier General (Ret.) Loree Sutton, MD, who is the Commissioner for New York City’s Department of Veterans’ Services (DVS) was the invited guest speaker. New York State Assemblywoman Latrice Walker also gave greetings at the event.

In her remarks, Commissioner Sutton spoke about Medgar Wiley Evers and his service in the United States Army during World War II. He returned home to a segregated nation where he could not exercise the freedoms for which he had fought.  She said he used that to fuel his fight for civil rights in this country. A spirit of social justice, Sutton said, lives on at the College.

The work goes on, the cause endures, Sutton added, “It comes from a history of courage, strength and fortitude and it comes from the service and sacrifice of all who enter these doors.