Campus News

Medgar Evers College participates in the International Competition for Entrepreneurs (ICE)

Medgar Evers College will have two teams participating in the International Competition for Entrepreneurs (ICE) in Montego Bay, Jamaica on May 5th through May 7th. Medgar Evers is the first Predominantly Black Institution (PBI) to participate in the competition on-site.

The two teams that will represent Medgar Evers are Team Candy founded by Aliza Roberta Carter and Cozy Oasis founded by Ashley Warmington. Team Candy is the story of a young single teenage mom who battled the odds to complete high school; much later she entered college with her son and became a retail business owner who gives back by helping young girls through her social business enterprise. Cozy Oasis is the story of an aspiring pre-medical student who found her passion in the world of hospitality; she is now considering graduate business school instead of medical school. Both students are participants in the Entrepreneurship & Experiential Learning (EEL) program.

The mission of EEL is to increase student engagement with start-ups and business owners as they participate in the dynamic growth-taking place globally and in Brooklyn. It is beneficial for students of EEL to participate in competitions such as ICE to gain first-hand experience in pitching their business ideas and to learn from other competitors.

ICE will be offering a $5,000 first place prize, a $1,000 Case Competition prize for those who do not advance to the finals and a $1,000 Elevator Pitch Competition prize.