Campus News

Medgar Evers College Fall Orientation Kicks Off

Medgar Evers College Fall Orientation Kicks Off
Next date for the upcoming semester is Saturday, August 19

Students set to become the newest members of the Medgar Evers College (MEC) community got their journey started via the New Student Orientation that took place on Tuesday, July 25.  The orientation showcased the many benefits that make up the Medgar Evers College experience along with providing answers to any questions incoming students and their parents and guardians had.

The Medgar Evers College Athletic Department was one of the many organizations that had a table set up to answer student inquiries

Among the many highlights attendees experience and can expect at the next orientation to be held on Saturday, August 19 are informative speeches about:


Financing their education – Thais Pilieri (Bursar); Marie Petion (Director of Financial Aid)

Title IX Policies and Procedures – Kevin Adams (Student Conduct Officer)

Campus Safety Protocols – Jerry Hoffman (Interim Chief of Public Safety)

Academic Success Keys – Sherrill-Ann Mason (Director, Percy E. Sutton SEEK Program)


AB1 was ground zero for Fall Orientation

The day kicked off with a continental breakfast followed by welcoming speeches given by President Patricia Ramsey and Provost Antoinette Coleman. From here, it was a whirlwind schedule of informative seminars starting with a parent/guardian session given by Dr. Jesse Kane, the Senior Vice President of Student Success & Enrollment Management. The goal for committee co-chair Shannon Anderson-Clarke is to ensure that incoming students have all their concerns, needs and questions addressed as they come into the Medgar Evers College fold. To that end, each orientation is dissected after the fact with improvements accordingly made.

And while certain portions of the program, specifically the Transfer Track (for students coming over from another school) and the School Presentation (where students go to find out more about their area of interest—ie. Psychology, Science, Liberal Arts, etc.) are key facets of the day, Anderson-Clarke is proud of tweaks that were made in recent years.

“We put together something we call a Wellness Pack, which offers a very holistic approach towards being a student here,” she said. “Participants engage in mindfulness, they do breathing exercises and we talk to them about stress management. Last year, we gave them a few minutes and this year we gave them a whole session because it was fantastic. It’s a way for them to get up and move their bodies—it’s an interactive session. We also implemented something called Table Talk, where registrants are allowed 45 minutes to speak to whoever it is you need to speak with. This time is for you to go and speak to people where you can ask about a number of things including financial aid, sports, or what your billing looks like.”

The hard work that goes into is all worth it for Anderson-Clarke and all the team members that have this come together multiple times throughout the year.

Lunch was provided for Fall Orientation registrants

“There is a lot of work that goes into this but we’re doing it for [these students because] want them to see what we can offer and support them throughout their journey here,” Anderson-Clarke said. “We want to make it as personal as we can, we’re a small school. I think details are important. And we can’t do it without wonderful colleagues too. No matter how tired or what folks are going through, they always come through. They really do and you can see it as they give their presentations and how they interact with [the students]. And I’m thankful for that too.”

For information about the August 19 New Student Orientation, please visit