
Housing is foundational to social and economic mobility, with a deep impact on employment, health, safety, education and more. The DuBois Center evaluates programs and proposes strategies to develop equitable access for communities.

Economic Development:

Economic Development supports the advancement of society through the enhancement of many factors including resource availability, and living standards. The DuBois Center researches and develops strategies for effective allocation of resources to support equitable distribution.

Communities of the Diaspora:

From analyzing the impacts of major global challenges across the diaspora, we provide policymakers and stakeholders with trusted insights and recommendations to advance solutions to needs for our communities.


Health serves as a high value necessity to society. We research and provide sought out information about outcomes of treatment , risk factors, public health interventions,patterns of care, and health care costs from an equity lense.


Education is enumerated with barriers around debt and aid. We assess how policies impact opportunities for students who are impacted by the socio-economic influences.

Black New York:

Black Leadership in New York has taken strides throughout all levels of government bringing new representation to our state. Our work is important to ensuring that we continue to commit to equal access to equitable leadership


The election system in our country requires procedures and policies that encourage fair participation with integrity and the DuBois Center is working to enhance this outlook.

Criminal Justice:

Our research around criminal justice is used to make systems and cases surrounding criminal justice more fair and impartial, while considering existing systematic inequities.

Community Development:

Community development emphasizes the knowledge and supports the creation of new partnerships with other organizations. We include community in the development of research by building trust and mutual respect between researchers and the community.