Process for Student Complaints and Grievances

The University and its Colleges have a variety of grievance procedures for dealing with student-related issues, including disciplinary action taken for a violation of student conduct standards, admissions decisions tuition and fees matters,  financial awards or policies, including satisfactory academic progress  and, educational policies, procedures, and grading concerns.

A student wishing to proceed with his or her complaint is entitled to due process by following the procedures below:

Step one: To address and resolve the dispute with the faculty and/or course coordinator. The student has the option to proceed to step two if there is failure to obtain a satisfactory agreement.

Step two (a): A letter of complaint should be written and forwarded to the ARPC committee.

  • Once the written petition reaches the ARPC, students will receive a response within 30 days during the academic semesters (fall/ spring). Note: Petitions will not be reviewed when classes are not in session (Intersession/Summer). If the student does not hear from ARPC within 30 days, she/he may then proceed to make an appointment to meet with the Chair. If there is no resolution, student may proceed to step three.

Step two (b)

  • Once APRC has met and reviewed a student’s petition, a recommendation is sent to the Chair.
  • The student will receive a letter from the Chair regarding the decision.
  • A student can make an appointment to meet with the Chair regarding the outcome of the appeal or petition. If the student wishes to appeal the outcome, the student can proceed to step three.

Step three: Student may make an appointment and submit written petition to the Dean of the School of Science Health & Technology (ABI-x 6217). If no resolution;

Step four:   student may petition the Academic Standards and Regulations Committee.

The Department of Nursing may or may not accept the recommendation from the committee based on State Regulations and/or Accreditation Standards.