Office of Academic Affairs » Schools » School of Science and Allied Health » Nursing » Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BS)

Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BS)

The Department offers a baccalaureate completion program for registered nurses (RN-BS) designed specifically for the graduates of the associate degree and hospital diploma nursing programs. The program further aims to broaden knowledge and develop skills in nursing leadership and management. It also provides the foundation for graduate studies in advanced nursing practice as a clinical specialist or nurse practitioner as well as preparation for teaching, administration, and research in nursing.

Program Goals

  1. Prepare a beginning generalist professional nurse.
  2. Provide broad-based knowledge and skills in nursing leadership and management.
  3. Provide a foundation for graduate studies in advanced nursing practice and education.

End of Program Student Learning Outcomes

  1. Synthesize theoretical knowledge from the sciences, humanities, and nursing to enhance professional nursing practice.
  2. Provide nursing care that is respectful of the cultural, ethnic and spiritual diversity of the client populations.
  3. Incorporate critical thinking and clinical nursing judgement in providing safe and quality nursing care to diverse client populations (QS).
  4. Employ the use of information, technology and research findings in evidence-based nursing practice.
  5. Demonstrate accountability for one’s own nursing practice and professional development.

Admission Requirements

  • Meet all Medgar Evers College admission requirements.

Nursing Department Requirements

  • Attend orientation to BS program during the first week of NUR 304 ( entry course in the program);
  • Review the BS Handbook and submit a signed BS contract acknowledging receipt of the handbook from a nursing faculty;
  • Submit proof of a satisfactory physical examination and immunization record annually (NURL 318 and NURL 421);
  • Submit basic life support (CPR) certification upon admission and at recertification;
  • Upload required documents to Castlebranch;
  • Pass Nclex Exam by the start of the following semester to progress in the program.

Accreditation Statement

Information regarding the Department of Nursing RN-BS Completion Program (BS) accreditation can be obtained from the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN); 3390 Peachtree Rd NE Suite 1400, Atlanta, GA 30326 Tel: 404-975-5000; Fax: 404-975-5020 or Information regarding state approval status may be obtained from the New York State Education Department (NYSED) Office of the Professions at 518 474-3817 or

RN-BS Program: Program Completion Rate

Expected level of Achievement Year Total Student enrollment (n/Value) On-time Program Completion Rate
65% completed 100% 2020 Spring
9 75%
65% completed 100% 2020 Fall
7 100%
65% completed 100% 2021 Spring
N/A No Cohort
65% completed 100% 2021 Fall
N/A No Cohort
65% completed 100% 2022 Spring
2 50%
65% completed 100% 2022 Fall
3 75%
65% completed 100% 2023 Spring
N/A No Cohort

RN- BS Job Placement Rates

Cohort Number of Graduates Number of Responses Number of Graduates Employed
2020 20 20 20
2021 16 16 16
2022 4 4 4
2023 7 5 5
2024 5 5 5

*The RN-BS completion program uses a hybrid modality for teaching and learning

* Our diverse faculty often teaches across our programs. You may encounter 9-10 shared faculty.


In addition to the sixty (60) credits earned in this program, the BS student must earn a total of 120 college credits to qualify for graduation. The graduate will be awarded a Bachelor of Science Degree.

Financial Aid Default Rates:

Rates are calculated by the United States Department of education every three years.

Cohort Fiscal Year Official Default Rate Number of Borrowers in Default
2021 0 0
2020 0 0
2019 3.3 27

NSLDS: Official Cohort Default Rate – Schools (

MEC OEPID number : 010097