All instructions will be delivered with the express intent to give students a solid foundation in the techniques of both traditional and modern Media and the Performing Arts. There are ten full-time faculty members in the Department, five with terminal degrees and five with Master of Arts degrees. Two new faculty members in the professoriate were recently added and others will follow soon.

Faculty profiles among those in the professoriate with expertise in the Arts and Media are diverse. One is an expert in Nile Valley cultures, Egypt, Nubia and Ethiopia (published in the field), world art history, painting, graphic arts, videography [with several published documentaries], still photography and digital communication. Another member is an expert in many genres of dance as well as its history and dance choreography. Yet another faculty member is prolific in Electronic Arts and Media. One of the new faculty is a multidisciplinary Theater Arts scholar. Plus, one cannot forget to highlight the expert musical scholar in conducting, music history and theory, and other areas of applied music. Among the lecturers are concert flutists, a speech theater expert, a Jazz ensemble specialist, choral directors, experts in applied music, music history and theory and a computer graphics and design practitioner. The department has a very robust adjunct cadre of faculty that must not be understated.