Public Information about the School of Business
Dr. Jo-Ann Rolle, Dean of the School Interim Update
February – May 2017
Historically, Medgar Evers College has served a highly non-traditional student body as defined by the U.S. Department of Education: the majority of students were working older adults who were first generation college students. However, these demographics have shifted in the past five years such that the student population is younger (55.9% under the age of 25) with 30% under the age of twenty. Data from the College Office of Institutional Research and Assessment indicate that for Fall 2011, 75% of the student body is female and approximately 90% are of African descent. Seventy percent (70.7%) were born in the United States. The student profile mirrors that of its surrounding community.
Graduate numbers by program

Unlike other units of the College, the gender distribution of enrolled students in the School of Business is about even. About 41% – 43% are male and 56% – 58% are female. About 70% of School of Business enrolled students are less than 30 years, with about 46% are below the age of 25 years. Approximately 73.8% of all majors in business degrees attend full time and are mostly residents of Brooklyn. During the last three years, there appears to be an upward trend in full time attendance among School of Business majors. Similarly, there is an upward trend in younger students attending the College and the School of Business The ethnic distribution of School of Business Majors is similar to general population of the College, with more than 80% being of African Origin. However, over the last five years, there has been an increase in the Hispanic representation in the School of Business (See Figures 1A-1D).
Performance of School of Business Majors
The School of Business gathers external learning outcomes assessment information by comparing our students to students in other ACBSP undergraduate institutions as reported in the Peregrine test results. For this purpose, graduating students in all degree programs are required to complete the externally normed CPC assessment instrument provided by Peregrine Academic Services. Faculty selected this CPC assessment test because it provides standardized benchmarking comparisons along with the test scores of students. The assessment test is administered to inbound students taking either. Faculty also administer the same CPC test to outbound students taking the capstone course that all students majoring in business degrees must complete.
We use these statistics to analyze the comparative performance of our students on the external Benchmarking Assessment Examinations. We compare the relative performance of our Outgoing graduating (Baccalaureate) majors with other Baccalaureate students from comparable institutions. Specifically, we compare our students to (1) All ACBSP Baccalaureate institutions, (2) Historically Black Universities (HBCUs) and (3) publicly funded baccalaureate institutions. In the tables below, the results of our comparative analysis are presented from Fall 2011 – Spring 2016 for all the periods during which the Benchmarking assessments tests have been administered. Tables 1A and 1B present the Average Scores (Out of a possible 100 Points) of test takers from Medgar Evers School of Business and Comparators. These indexes are calculated to measure how well Medgar Evers College students compared to Comparators.